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  Crystallized Ginger Ginger in Syrup Pickled Ginger Organic Ginger  
   Jiujiang H olly F oods Co., Ltd is a leading enterprise of a gricultural production in the province of Jiangxi, located in Baota Industr ial Estate , De'an town, near JiuJiang city . Annual production is over eight thousand ton nes of processed ginger products . We have a modern and professional ginger processing factory built on 26640m 2 including greenery and garden area . Our products including crystalliz ed ginger , ginger in syrup, and pickl ed ginger in the widest possible variety of cuts and sizes. The company has been engaged in processing of ginger products with its professional production skill, for many years originating form Foshan, Guangdong province, where it used to be based. It has brought all its production skills and experienced staff to the new factory. T he products are supplied to US A , UK , Germany, Holland, Australia , New Zealand etc., to each of our exclusive distributors. Because of the exclusive nature of distribution we have a dedicated team who are highly responsible of our good name in the markets ....
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Add: Baota Industrial Estate, De'an, Jiujiang, 330400, China
Tel: +86 (0)792 466 6931 Fax: +86 (0)792 466 6932 网站管理